I didn’t have time this week to put a “real post” together because Kevin and I have been so busy moving back into our house, applying for jobs, and doing interviews. So in lieu of a real post this Friday, I thought I’d introduce you to a weird hobby Kevin and I have when we’re traveling: taking photos with statues. You may have caught wind that we enjoy this if you’re my Facebook friend, but I’m guessing you haven’t felt the full force of this obsession. Here’s the full collection from the past couple of years, in reverse chronological order:

Budapest has statues ALL OVER the city. This guy has no real significance, he’s just a fun statue. Local districts in Budapest hold contests every year to come up with new, awesome statues. I like it!

A statue of Ronald Reagan in Liberty Square! This statue was put up in 2011 as a PR stunt to draw attention from a scandal involving media censoring. The Hungarian authorities apparently don’t quite understand our one-team-against-the-other political system in the U.S., and invited then secretary of state Hillary Clinton to the statue’s unveiling. Oh, Hungary.

And here I am holding a mannequin’s hand at an exhibit on old Croatian ways of making clothes in Krka National Park.

At The Alcazar in Sevilla, Spain. Fun fact: Game of Thrones had just finished filming a month or two before we moved to town!

Here’s a Washington Irving statue just outside the Alhambra in Granada, Spain. He’s being so pensive with the book in his hand. So I busted out my modern version of a book, my Kindle, and impersonated him.

Possibly my favorite, this was taken on my 29th birthday in Chiang Mai, Thailand. (I get a free pass to let my weirdness out on my birthday.)

Impersonating the dancer status above the archway. This is the Dance Hall portion of Preah Khan, which is why the carvings are dancers. Preah Khan is a temple inside the Angkor Wat Complex in Cambodia.

I am SO bringing a framed copy of this photo to my next White Elephant Gift Exchange… This was taken at the Royal Palace in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

This statue is right next to our favorite coffee shop in all of Chiang Mai, Mingmitr. He watched us work for months, so we felt he deserved a photo.

We snapped this one after we started losing our minds during an almost-12-hour layover in Seoul, South Korea.
- Delirious after so little sleep!
- Being crazy on our layover tour of Incheon, South Korea.

Hanging out with some mannequins in South Korea on our layover tour of the city! Incheon, South Korea.

Ronald McDonald is everywhere in the world. We found him this time in Incheon Airport in South Korea.

This was actually on our very first trip to Chiang Mai in December 2013. This statue sits outside of a Bank near Thapae Gate.
Great range of statues and poses!